Welcome to our website! Hello! Want to live in the fantastic deciduous forests? Well your in luck! We know all about it, and we also have a special suvival book that you can order in the store. Deciduous forets might not be a good place to live in, so a few months at the most is advised. We have no available cabins left so you would have to make your own. Before you rent a space in the forest you have to make an account, and it is highly advisable to bring the survival book or you could be... well... the same condition you would be in if you fell off a huge mountain, or in other words, dead. Remember, wolves and panthers are NOT cats so don’t pet them or you will be... dead, or badly scratched. So, what are you waiting for? Go rent a space today! Before you go on your journey, request a map! Its important for you not to get lost. .
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Deciduous Forests- Facts and Information!

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By: Avissa Perera
Deciduous Forests- Nature’s best gift to           Earth...